David Goldring has been working very hard to produce material relating to life at Prices.
Here is his interim report update...

The attached Report is by way of a summary of the William Price 300th Anniversary project which, I feel has to be brought to a conclusion.

Concluded, as in my quest for new content, but not complete because there are so many Priceans who have remained out of reach and thus, their stories remain unknown. There is however, a Plan B which will continue to welcome new content that could be used in a further publication in, say, 2025 when, on January 18th, it could mark the real tercentenary of the opening of William Price's School.

This mailing will be done in several batches, and it is likely that email addresses on record are no longer valid. If you know of other Priceans, please forward this contact to them.

All further contacts direct to me, please. With best wishes to you all, for the forthcoming Christmas and the future. Sincerely, David Goldring 23/11/2023